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Beekeeping and Loan Protect Sinoe Forest


Top: Ariel view of Nitrian Community Forest in Sinoe County. The DayLight/Derick Snyder

By Esau J. Farr

KABADA, Sinoe County – Jackson Tweh makes a living from beekeeping. Tweh, 35, and a father of six children has six beehives, which produce up to seven gallons of honey every three months.

Tweh was a farmer and hunter since his youth but in 2019 Universal Outreach Foundation, a Canadian NGO, went to Kabada, a town in the Kpanyan District of Sinoe County. The NGO trained him and other townspeople in beekeeping. When the training ended, he received six beehives, enclosed structures where honeybees live and raise their young.

“From what I see, beekeeping is one of the best programs when it comes to human promotion in the conservation community,” says Tweh. “Whenever we harvest, the honey can’t stay long with us because people can be standing by, waiting to buy it.”

Like Tweh, Ophelia Merrian, a mother of five children in her 40s, dropped farming in the forest for full-time shopkeeping.

In 2019, the Ministry of Agriculture trained Merrian to set up a village saving and loan association. The ministry came to Tweh Town, about half an hour’s walk from Kabada, and introduced her to swamp farming, which increased her yield.

In the last five years, Merrian saved her income from the loan scheme, and the interest transformed her life dramatically.

“When I started, I was renting in someone’s house, but right now I have my place,” Merrian said. “This same program helps me to pay my children’s school fees.”

Tweh and Merrian are two of over 200 townspeople living adjacent to the Nitrian Community Forest who have benefited from alternative livelihood programs. The schemes provide replacements for forest farmlands and bushmeat for locals to keep them away from forest farming in one of Liberia’s few conservation community forests.

Established in 2011, the 958-hectare Nitrian is home to different species, including chimpanzees, African elephants, buffalos and pangolins. Located in southeastern Liberia has a high stock carbon value, a 2018 study shows.  The forest is, however, being undermined by poachers, farming and other illegal activities.

Dennis Broh, president of the Nitrian community assembly, tells The DayLight the beekeeping and loan schemes have helped to reduce unwanted occupants.  

“Intruding into the forest by farmers and hunters has been some of the challenges we have faced here,” says Broh, in a Kabada interview.

“Currently, when you look at the farming activities, the way people were involved with the forest has been cut down,” adds Broh.

Universal Outreach Foundation introduced beekeeping in 2019. The NGO trained 40 men from six towns and 16 villages. In these six years, the trainees have multiplied their beehives from their initial six. Tweh now has 15. Johanson Wiah has nine, the same as Stanley Saydee, and Broh has 15.

Six beehives can produce at least three gallons of honey in as many months, according to the beekeepers, and five liters sell for US$20 on local marketplaces.

Similar to beekeeping, the village saving loan started in 2019.  It is a product of a partnership between Dutch NGO IDH and the Ministry of Agriculture. It encouraged residents to do lowland farming to keep their forest standing.

Locals accepted the proposal and started lowland farming. The exercise produced more yields, increased villagers’ incomes and introduced the village saving loan and association program there.

Since then, the association has had an annual saving of not less than L$1 million, except for 2019, the year the scheme was established. The highest income of the scheme was realized in 2023 when the association saved more than L$2 million.

Victoria Cooper, former Sinoe County’s agriculture coordinator, explains it became clear that they needed to manage their proceeds. The ministry provided technical support.

“This is a very good project and I think everyone needs to welcome it to help rural communities fight climate change and strengthen conservation efforts,” says Cooper, who is now a technical assistant at the Ministry of Agriculture.

Vincent Swen, a community leader, led a tour of Nitrian Community Forest in 2019. Picture credit: James Harding Giahyue

‘Not going into logging’

Residents have seen the result of their actions. At the beginning of their conservation efforts, they would record bullet casings and illicit farms. Today, they no longer see those things.

But Nitrian reckons there is a need for full-time forest guards to frequently monitor the forest, not leaders who conduct monthly patrols.

There is also a need for other forms of animal husbandry in addition to beekeeping—and loans—according to Neboe Sarboh, Nitrian’s secretary general.

“The way we are reserving this forest, by right, companies supposed to come here and bring goats, ducks and even cows to the community people to raise them so that anytime you want to eat meat… you can get one and kill it,” says Sarboh. He adds there is a need for more awareness to prevent or curtail unauthorized entry and extraction of the forest’s resources.

A lack of community benefits is a common reason why some communities have dropped conservation for logging or incorporated mining

Others are considering abandoning logging for conservation.

For Nitrian, things remain the same.   

“It has been difficult for us carrying out conservation,” says Broh “However, we know the importance of conservation and so we are not going to go into commercial logging.”

GVL Suspends Teachers’ Program, Hampering Sinoe Education


Top: The Butaw High School in Butaw District is one of several schools affected by Golden Veroleum Liberia’s suspension of support to teachers in Sinoe. The DayLight/Varney Kamara

By Varney Kamara            

TARTWEH, Sinoe County – Golden Veroleum Liberia (GVL) has suspended a program through which it provided mandatory support to schools in its concession area in Sinoe County, crippling academic activities.

Inked between 2013 and 2017, the MoUs were a product of GVL’s 65-year concession agreement with Liberia. It granted GVL the right to develop 220,000 hectares of plantations in southeastern and southcentral Liberia.

Thus, GVL launched the scheme during the 2020-2021 academic semester in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, the GVL Workers’ Union, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and local communities. Then it placed 90 volunteer teachers on GVL’s payroll, providing each a US$100 monthly stipend, compensating for GVL’s inability to build schools in line with its MoUs with communities.

But in March, GVL suspended the program allegedly without any prior notice.

“GVL regrets to officially inform you that the GVL Educational Support (GES) program for the academic year 2023/2024 has been suspended with immediate effect,” GVL wrote the Tartweh-Drapoh District in a March letter last year. 

Suspension of an employee’s service without prior notice violates Liberia’s Decent Work Act. The law requires GVL to have notified the teachers before suspending their contract.

GVL claims it informed the teachers before announcing the suspension but provided no proof. Similarly, The DayLight found no evidence of that happening.  

The suspension undermines the learning environment of the forested coastal county, leaving hundreds of students on their own. 

“The lack of pay for teachers is destroying the learning environment badly. The teachers are not showing the required commitment to teach,” said Armstrong Panteene, principal of Tartweh High School in Tubmanville. 

“They don’t have their minds set on teaching because they are out there to find food for their families. We no longer have control over them,” Panteene added.

Last December, The DayLight saw students in Butaw, Tartweh, and Tarjuwon discussing the issue in groups, while others engaged socially. The situation has overwhelmed administrators across the communities, reducing the quality of learning.

At the Butaw High School, where GVL has 95 percent of its employees’ dependents, there are currently 14 teachers from a previous list of 18. The number of teachers at Tarweh High School in Kpayan District, and the Teahjay High School in Tarjuwon, Myerville Township has also declined.

“At the moment, we don’t have math, physics, and chemistry teachers. This is shameful and embarrassing,” said King Chester Kun, principal of the Butaw High School. “The school is empty, and students keep asking us about what’s going wrong.” 

“Most times, when classrooms are empty, the school rings the bell, and everyone leaves for home,” said Ralph Carpeh, a 12th grader at Butaw High School. “We just pack our bags and go home because we are not able to teach ourselves.”

GVL plantation in Butaw, Sinoe County. The DayLight/Derick Snyder

The suspension is likely to impact enrollment in Sinoe.

Between 2015 and 2022, Sinoe recorded a drop in primary school enrollment, according to a 2021-2022 school census. Only 13 percent of public early childhood students in the county met readiness benchmarks.

The suspension worsens GVL’s failure to implement agreements it signed with communities.

“We entrusted our land to GVL with the promise of education, healthcare, and other important benefits. Yet today, Tartweh’s children are left with little to no education, as the company fails to honor its commitments under the MoU,” said Nunu Broh, chairman of the Tartweh-Drapoh Agriculture Committee.

Broken Promises

The aggrieved instructors, whose voluntary services range from six to 24 months, said the suspension had put them in hardship.

In May, volunteer teachers from Kpayan and Butaw districts sued GVL at the Greenville City Court for unpaid wages. GVL partially settled the claims, paying 24 teachers by July, court filings show. 

However, dozens remain unpaid.

“GVL owes me three months of arrears,” said D. Swen Charles, a former volunteer teacher at Tartweh High School in Tubmanville. “They told us they would pay, but for now, that story has changed. There is no hope.”

Alphonso Kofi, GVL’s communications director, said the company did not commit any wrongdoing. Kofi claims that GVL is not obligated to continue the program.

“Volunteer teachers are recruited by the government to help support other teachers in those schools. GVL is only assisting them to compensate those who are not on the government’s payroll,” Kofi said in an emailed statement.

Kofi’s assertions contradict the MoUs between GVL and the communities. The documents obligate GVL to build schools and provide teaching materials in its concession areas free of charge.

“GVL will work with the Ministry of Education as appropriate, to confirm the location for schools, build schools it has agreed to provide, recruit and pay for teachers, maintain schools and provide study items in schools, which it builds or agrees to support,” says GVL’s 2017 MoU with Butaw.   

The situation adds to the frail relationship GVL has with locals.  In 2018, the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)  found GVL guilty of land grab. In 2022, the High Carbon Stock Approach, which addresses deforestation in agricultural practices, found that GVL cleared 1,000 hectares of high-carbon forests in the Kpanyan District.  

The Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA) provided funding for this story. The DayLight maintained editorial independence over the story’s content.

Sinoe Chiefdom Demands  Intruders ‘Must Leave our Land’


Top: Liberia Natural Produce Incorporated’s workers at a renovated prewar palm oil mill in the Tarsue Chiefdom of Sanquin District, Sinoe County. The DayLight/Varney Kamara

By Varney Kamara

KOMMANAH TOWN, Sinoe County – After nearly four years of illegal occupancy, villagers in a southeastern chiefdom are demanding the departure of an oil palm company from their ancestral land.

Early this month, aggrieved residents from various clans and sections in the Tarsue Chiefdom of Sanquin District,  Sinoe County staged a peaceful protest at the headquarters of Liberia Natural Produce Incorporated (LNPI), an Indian-Liberian investment, demanding its immediate withdrawal from their land.

In a six-count petition, locals accused LNPI of intruding on their land and intimidating residents.

“Based on these reasons, the citizens of Tarsue, including elders, women, youth, and traditional leaders, will not sign any agreement with Liberia Natural Produce Incorporated,” the petition stated. “The citizens of Tarsue demand that LNPI leave the plantation so that we can develop our land and improve our livelihoods.”

Representative Alex Noah, whose electoral district Tarsue falls, has appealed for one month to mediate the dispute. Locals granted his appeal, temporarily easing the tension, and suspended a three-day ultimatum for the company to evacuate the palm estate. However, residents have vowed to resume their protest once the negotiation period expires.

“After the one-month grace period requested by the honorable representative, the company must either leave our land or face escalated community action,” said Ericson Pyne, the chief spokesperson of Tarsue in Kommanah Town, Tarsue’s headquarters.

“LNPI must leave,” Pyne told The DayLight. “We have endured their presence for over three years, and they cannot fulfill their obligations. The community is prepared to take further steps if necessary.”

Noah’s intervention differs sharply from Superintendent Peter Wleh Nyensueh’s solution. Last October, Nyensueh dismissed the locals’ demand that LNPI vacate the plantation, claiming chiefs and elders had waived by signing an initial MoU with LNPI. But he was wrong as the MoU he cited was for LNPI to purchase locals’ palm oil, not to acquire the plantation.

‘We Cannot Keep Fighting Forever’

Amid the dispute, LNPI has expressed willingness to negotiate with the community. Acknowledging challenges since its arrival, the company promised improvements should negotiations resume.

“The community is our landlord. We have to negotiate and find a peaceful resolution,” said Baccus Wiah, LNPI’s spokesperson. “We cannot keep fighting forever.”

Wiah’s comments are a turnaround from the company’s previous stance. Until now, LNPI has failed to recognize the community’s right to the land and required consent, even though he admits that the company operates illegally.

Initially welcomed by locals as a much-needed investor, LNPI’s presence in Tarsue quickly turned sour, leading to rising tensions and confrontations. The company had hidden its intent to purchase the plantation, signing an oil purchasing MoU with chiefs and elders instead.

But a series of DayLight investigations last year shed light on LNPI’s deception and illegality, inspiring the community to hold LNIP accountable.

LNIP unauthorizedly renovated a prewar palm oil mill in Tarsue Chiefdom, Sinoe County, as part of the company intrusion into an abandoned palm plantation. The DayLight /Varney Kamara

Shrouded in Secrecy

In February 2022, Konnex Investments Limited, LNPI’s parent company, purchased an abandoned palm plantation from Equatorial Palm Oil (EPO) for US$445,000. However, the agreement has not been approved by the Liberian government, and the community did not consent to LNPI’s operations.

Despite guidance from the Liberia Land Authority, LNPI pushed ahead with its operations, violating the Land Rights Act of 2018, which mandates community approval before land occupation. The law grants communities the right to own and manage land based on customary practices.

Moreover, the deal was poorly publicized, with only a LinkedIn post, a mention on LNPI’s website and references hidden in EPO’s parent company’s annual reports.

Tarsue residents only became aware of the deal in March 2023—nine months after LNPI convinced them to sign a six-month oil palm purchasing agreement. The MoU allowed LNPI to buy a five-gallon container of palm oil for L$1,300 and L$1,500.

The company paid the community US$6,000 and paved a major road but the deal lasted three months beyond the agreed period.

Despite warnings from locals about the MoU violations, LNPI continued its operations unchecked, provoking community anger. Since then, LNPI has forcibly controlled the plantation, including renovating a prewar palm oil mill. Backed by armed police officers, it evicted residents, ignoring their land ownership rights and the legal requirement for consent.

FDA Okays Export of over 250 Illegal Logs

created by dji camera

Top: Some of the logs LiberTrace red-flagged for having multiple issues but the FDA still allowed to be shipped. The DayLight/Derick Snyder

By Esau J. Farr

MONROVIA – The Forestry Development Authority (FDA) permitted a company to export round logs mid-last year. However, the regulator ignored its computerized system—known as LiberTrace—red-flagged over 60 percent of the timber.

Out of the total 431 logs, Iroko Timber and Logging Corporation submitted for two shipments, LiberTrace identified 267 as problematic.

LiberTrace, which tracks logs from their sources to final destinations, found the logs’ details were inconsistent with the system’s information.  Most of the logs had not been recorded during a pre-export inspection.

For instance, some logs had their butt-end diameters different from what Iroko declared. Others had volumes different from the ones submitted, while other logs had discrepancies with the lengths the Nigerian-owned company declared.

But the LiberTrace analysis and the export specs detailing each log shipped establish that the FDA allowed the tainted logs to go.   

The combined 431 logs with a 2,549-cubic-meter volume, were loaded at the Port of Greenville, Sinoe County and departed on April 27 and July 2, 2024, on the Panamanian cargo ship MV Nimeh, destined for Bangladesh. 

‘Nothing to add’

Based on the FDA’s standard operating procedures (SOPs) the regulator should have investigated the red flags and sought correction. If not, the SOPs provide the export to be disapproved. “Wood products that are not compliant with the legality definition shall not be authorized for export,” according to  SOPs for export.

A screenshot from some of LiberTrace’s analysis of one of two Iroko exports last year the FDA unlawfully approved

The SOPs allow for the FDA to override LiberTrace’s alarms. However, in such a case, the FDA is required to record the justification for overriding the red flags for auditing. Screenshots of LiberTrace’s history of the logs prove there were no justifications for the FDA’s decision to approve the exports.

Those standards contribute to LiberTrace ensuring tax-complaint companies’ logs are legal, not just traceable. LiberTrace plays a critical role in the forestry sector, particularly in combating illegal logging and enhancing transparency in the timber trade. SGS, a Swiss verification company, built the system and the FDA co-manages it.

Confronted with the red flags, Theodore Nna, SGS’ project manager, did not respond to queries. Nna did the same last year in a similar incident. He had sarcastically offered The DayLight a tutorial in interpreting LiberTrace’s data and analysis.

The FDA Managing Director Rudolph Merab declined to speak on the matter. “I believe my team handled this Iroko issue last year…,” Merab said in a WhatsApp chat. “I have nothing new to add!”

A screenshot of LiberTrace’s history of one of Iroko’s exports shows that the FDA did not justify why it overrode errors with several logs for auditing purposes.

Last year, the FDA dismissed reports as a “misinterpretation” of data. It argued that the errors and warnings LiberTrace sounded were routine “minor occurrences.”

Similarly, Iroko did not return emailed questions. The company had initially responded to the DayLight’s inquiries but ceased after the newspaper exposed a series of its wrongdoings.

This investigation adds to the logs’ taint and Iroko’s notoriety. A previous investigation found the logs spent over a year in the Central River Dugbe Community Forest in Sinoe County’s Jaedae District. One unearthed Iroko owed local people a good sum. Another revealed an Iroko shareholder was unqualified for logging over a co-ownership of a company punished for fraud.

This story was a production of the Community of Forest and Environmental Journalists of Liberia (CoFEJ).

Sinoe Community Forest Gets New Leadership


Top: Tarsue Community Forest covers 9,714 hectares. Picture credit: James Harding Giahyue

By Emmanuel Sherman

MONROVIA – A community forest in Sanquin District, Sinoe County has a new leadership to steer its affairs for the next five years.

Last month, the Tarsue Authorized Community Forest elected members of its community assembly (CA), the executive committee (EC), and the community forest management body (CFMB).  In forestry, the CA is the highest decision-maker, comprising representatives of towns and villages that own the forest. The CFMB manages the forest affairs, while the EC supervises the CFMB.

Teah Tolo, a townsman, was elected chairman of the EC, and Ericson Pyne was chief officer of the CFMB.

“Today, we are happy to be one of the leaders selected or elected for Tarsue Community Forest as chief officer after five years of struggle,” said Pyne. “We have a forest to benefit from.”

The elections end a year of internal wrangling over the selection of a logging company.

The elections were held because of an April request to FDA Managing Director Rudolph Merab in which the community asked for a review of its contract with loggers.

Tarsue signed a five-year contract with West African Development Incorporated (WAFDI) in 2019. However, WAFDI did not harvest a single tree in the 9,714-hectare forest or honor other contract provisions.

The contract was part of several illegally awarded for less than the statutory 15-year period.

Tarsue now looks into the future.  

Pyne added, “We anticipate any company or an NGO for conservation or commercial [logging].”

Sinoe Superintendent Supports Illegal Oil Palm Operations


Top: Sinoe County’s Superintendent Peter Wleh Nyensuah supports the illegal operations of Liberia Natural Produce Incorporated (LNPI) without the Liberian government’s approval. The DayLight/James Harding Giahyue

By Varney Kamara

GREENVILLE – Sinoe County’s Superintendent Peter Wleh Nyensuah is backing an oil palm company’s illegitimate operations against a local community demanding its rights and holding the firm accountable.

In 2022, Liberia Natural Produce Incorporated (LNPI) purchased a palm plantation in the Tarsue Chiefdom of Sanquin District from Equatorial Palm Oil (EPO). However, LNPI operates the plantation without the Liberian government’s approval, sparking a protest.

In a letter last month, seen by The DayLight, Nyensuah urged Tarsue to sign an MoU LNPI proposes, dismissing the community’s concerns over rights abuses and the LNPI’s illegitimacy.

“It is my strongest anticipation that you will work with the investors in our communities,” wrote Nyensuah. He even suggested he was open to playing a role in negotiating the MoU or drafting a new one.  

Nyensuah had launched an investigation after tension brewed in the area following the community’s complaint.

He based his decision partly on a previous MoU that locals had signed with LNPI. “The Tarsue community having received benefits under the now expired MoU from LNPI, the community lacks the standing to question the legitimacy of the LNPI,” Nyensuah added.

But his reason for his decision is faulty. The document he referenced only gave LNPI an exclusive right to purchase oil from local producers, not to operate the plantation.  A DayLight investigation established that LNPI likely used the document to gain control of the plantation during last year’s heated presidential elections.

In his finding, Nyensuah claimed that the government and LNPI amended the 2008 EPO concession agreement in March. However, there is no public record to support that claim.

Men at work at and palm oil mill in Shampay Camp, Tarsue Chiefdom. The DayLight/James Harding Giahyue

The government and LNPI have said the company’s operations have not been authorized. The Ministries of Agriculture and Justice, responsible for authorizing oil palm concessions, said it was unaware of LNPI’s operations. LNPI itself admitted that in a June interview with this newspaper, a fact it included in the draft MoU to Tarsue.

‘Bogus MoU’

Nyensuah’s unlawful decision has inflamed the situation in Tarsue and may have soured his relationship with the community.

“We are rejecting the MoU because it is a bogus agreement. We want to see LNPI’s Concession Agreement with the government,” said Ericson Pyne, a youth leader. We want to see their letter of authorization.

“I think Superintendent Nyensuah is not capable of leading this county because, as a leader of the county, before coming up with such a proposal, you must have properly read and understood previous agreements. We totally disagree with his suggestion,” added Pyne.

Pyne’s comments reflect the views of the people of Tarsue who have endured threats and intimidations at the hands of LNPI, with armed police forcing people out of the plantation.

The DayLight investigation revealed that LNPI violates the Land Rights Act and the principles of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), which writes rules for the oil palm industry worldwide.

The law and the RSPO rules recognize ancestral landownership and communities’ right to consent to projects intended for traditional territories.

Nyensuah did not respond to The DayLight’s queries for comments on the matter.

6 GVL Lies in the Last 5 Months


GVL has lied about its operations several times in the last five months. The DayLight/Harry Browne

By James Harding Giahyue  

MONROVIA—In August, The DayLight started a series of investigations into Golden Veroleum Liberia’s (GVL) operations. The newspaper has published over a dozen stories, pinpointing GVL’s abuse of communities’ rights and degradation of the environment.

Amid overwhelming evidence, the newspaper has published—documents, pictures/videos and interviews—GVL vehemently denies any wrongdoing.

But often those denials include false claims in attempts to mislead the public, as the company defends its well-documented, tainted record.

Behold six of the lies GVL has told in the last five months as the result of The DayLight’s reporting:

Must Seek Communities’ Consent to Share MoU

GVL has a list of MoUs it signed with communities on its website but the documents are not downloadable.

    Before that first story, The DayLight asked the company for copies of the MoUs. However, GVL’s spokesman Alphonso Kofi denied the newspaper’s request.

    In July, Alphonso Kofi, GVL’s spokesman, said that local communities needed to consent before the company could share the documents. “It can be shared if we obtained written consent for the communities,” wrote Kofi in an email.

    Kofi’s claim contradicts the Freedom of Information Act and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil’s rules, known as principles and criteria.

    Under the FOI Act, MoUs arising from concession agreements are public records.

    Likewise, the first principle and criterion of the RSPO requires GVL to comply with such national law, and such documents are “made publicly available.” It even mandates GVL to keep records of requests for information and responses.

    Concealing the MoU and GVL’s flawed interpretation of the document appears as a strategy to misinform the public. The DayLight obtained the documents from elsewhere, uncovering the company’s wrongdoings.  

    Unclear Responsibility to Maintain Hand Pumps

    In response to the first part of The DayLight’s series in August—exposing GVL’s failure to build and maintain hand pumps in Tartweh-Drapoh, Sinoe County—GVL claimed that the MoU with the chiefdom was unclear as to who was responsible for maintaining the facilities.

    A GVL signboard in Tartweh-Drapoh Chiefdom, Sinoe County. The DayLight/Harry Browne

    “GVL acknowledges feedback from communities that some hand pumps that it has constructed are not operating properly and require maintenance,” it said in a press release.  “We also recognize that more clarity is needed to define who is responsible for maintaining pumps built by GVL and other parties.”

    That claim contravenes the MoU. There is no need for clarity as the document plainly obligates GVL to build and repair the pumps, and even train locals to maintain the facilities.

    Environmental Audit Found No Issues

      In the same August press release, GVL claim that a DayLight report that a routine, independent audit found the company’s operations of a palm oil mill in the Tarjuwon District polluted water sources.

      “We also ensure that water testing is done annually by an independent party as required by EPA regulations, read the press release. “Recent assessments conducted in 2023 and 2024 did not identify any issues. The results are available to the public.”

      Turns out, the audit found the exact opposite: improper management of wastewater led to pollution of watercourses in the area. It revealed that there was a high risk of runoffs from poorly managed empty palm husks empying into waterways. A University of Liberia laboratory test showed an illegal level of phosphate and other substances in water samples harmful to humans.

      An elevated view of GVL’s plantation in Tarjuwon, Sinoe County, showing three wastewater ponds  an environmental audit found to be mismanaged. The DayLight/Derick Snyder

      Also, water quality testing is done once every two years, not once every year.

      A characteristically adamant GVL repeated the false claim earlier this month. The company accused The DayLight of inaccuracies and misleading views, without providing evidence.

      Environmental Audit ‘Identified Recommendations’

      In a press release earlier this month, GVL made more false claims, lessening the magnitude of the report’s findings. “While positive of GVL’s overall environmental record, the Tarjuwon [audit] identified a number of recommendations for improvement…,” read the release.

        On the contrary, audit exposed a long queue of violations of GVL’s environmental permit and the Environmental Protection and Management Law of Liberia. It did not merely recommend as GVL implies.  GVL mentioned “recommendation” five times in publication, avoiding the report’s walloping, negative findings.

        The report even found that GVL had backslide on gains in a 2019 audit, and that it had not implemented auditors’ recommendations.

        Takes Community Complaints Seriously

        GVL claims that it takes community grievances seriously, stating a self-styled commitment to addressing complaints. It claimed in a release last month that it welcomed and addressed complaints.

        The 2019 audit report supports that claim. However, the Tarjuwon audit report shows that GVL has relapsed in that part of its operations. Auditors graded the company 50-75 percent from a perfect score.

        An April 2024 environmental audit report found speedy GVL trucks leave dust, a foul odor and dead domestic animals in their wake. It said GVL did not take communities’ complaint seriously, grading the company’s redress mechanism 50 – 75 percent. The DayLight/James Harding Giahyue

        Land Authority ‘Decided Results’ of Land Dispute

        In a periodic report to the RSPO last month, GVL appeared to suggest that the Liberia Land Authority had resolved a boundary dispute between the Du-Wolee Nyennue Township and the Numopoh District.

          GVL claimed that the Land Authority would communicate “the result to both communities… in [the fourth quarter] of 2024 with new government officials.”

          But the Land Authority dismisses those claims. The Chairman of the Land Authority Adams Manobah told The DayLight it was far from an outcome.

          “We have not done that yet. The last solution we have is to go back and do the surveying and establish the boundary between the two communities,” Manobah said. “We are still waiting for the concession to provide the support so that we can have a definitive line between the two communities.”

          The Green Livelihood Alliance provided funding for this story. The DayLight maintained editorial independence over the story’s content.

          GVL Makes Progress But Township MoU 6 Years Late


          Top: A GVL truck transporting palm bunches in January 2023. The DayLight/James Harding Giahyue

          By Matenneh Keita

          DU-WOLEE, Sinoe County – Golden Veroleum Liberia (GVL) is progressing with a new MoU with affected communities in Sinoe’s Kpanyan District. However, that progress comes six years after the deadline given by the global oil palm industry’s regulator.

          In 2018, the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) ordered GVL to turn its current MoU with the Du-Wolee Nyennue Township into a permanent one within a month. The RSPO threatened to terminate GVL’s membership with the regulator, which could hurt the company’s brand.

          But over six years after that order, GVL has not signed the new MoU, though it has recently relatively complied. The company presented locals with a daft MoU for the township’s input, according to several people The DayLight interviewed.  

          “We went to work, we finished with everything. Now we are coming to carry [the MoU] to them,” said Stephen Browne, Du-Wolee land rights committee’s chairman.

          Progress followed pressure from the community. Augustine Jerbo, a member of Du-Wolee’s MoU committee, said townspeople had given GVL a year to draft the MoU. In March last year, the company presented the draft.

          Liberia’s largest oil palm company, GVL signed a 65-year agreement with the country in 2010, covering 220,000 hectares of land in Sinoe, Maryland, Grand Kru, River Gee and River Cess. The deal costs US$1.6 billion.

          After the agreement, GVL signed an MoU with Du-Wolee Nyennue, guaranteeing the company over 2,367 hectares in the township. However, it obligates GVL to build clinics, schools and roads, and provide water for communities affected by its operations.  

          In 2013, Du-Wolee Nyennue joined other communities to file a complaint against GVL with the RSPO. The township accused GVL of encroaching on their land and coercing them to sign an MoU.  

          In 2018, the RSPO confirmed the accusations and ordered GVL to redo the MoU. The watchdog commanded GVL to work with the Liberian government to settle boundary disputes related to lands it sought to develop.

          GVL is complying with the order, based on documents and interviews with representatives of the townspeople.

          The National Bureau of Concessions (NBC) is working with the communities to develop the MoU. “We are right now at the point of finalizing the type of MoU,” then-Director General Edwin Dennis told The DayLight in July.

          “Either we consolidate all those MoUs into one MoU, addressing all of the issues or keeping [the MoU] community-specific,” Dennis added. He said NBC’s legal department worked with the communities but disclosed he was unaware of the RSPO’s order. 

          Similarly, GVL has obeyed the RSPO’s order not to develop 463 hectares between Du-Wolee Nyennue and its neighbor Numopoh. However, there is an issue regarding a claim the company made last month.

          A GVL truck transports palm bunches. The DayLight/Derick Snyder

          In a recent report, GVL appears to mislead the RSPO that the Liberia Land Authority had “decided” on the conflict’s “results.” The company said it would communicate the results to both communities between now and the end of the year.

          But in an interview on the sidelines of the just-ended National Land Conference in Ganta, Nimba County, the Chairman of the Land Authority Adams Manobah dismissed GVL’s claim.

          “We are still waiting for the concession to provide the support so that we can have a definitive line between the two communities. Until that is done, the issue is not really resolved yet,” Manobah told The DayLight.

          Proforest, a UK nonprofit, worked with the Land Authority, the NBC and other government institutions over the dispute.

          Earlier in May this year, Proforest presented its findings, according to an RSPO document. The document said the RSPO would determine the findings.

          Also, GVL has been late with reports on its compliance with the RSPO’s order. late. The company only filed the April-June report earlier last month, over 60 days after the quarter ended. It did the same for the January-March report. Typically, quarterly reports are made up to two weeks after the end of each quarter.

          In all, GVL celebrates the progress. “We have actively reviewed all of our MOUs and are working directly with communities to provide clarity and resolution in cases where commitments are disputed or have not been fulfilled,” it stated in an August email.

          The MoU is currently with the Du-Wolee MoU committee, according to Daddy Nyenswah, its chairman. Nyenswah said Du-Wolee Nyennue’s residents had made input in the document and next was the Monrovia-based citizens of the township. 

          “When this MoU is signed…, we hope that all that has been placed in the MoU should come to pass,” said Jerboe, Nyenswah’s colleague.

          “It should not be like the first one that GVL is not complying with most of the things that were placed there.”

          Green Livelihoods Alliance provided funding for this story. The DayLight maintained editorial independence over the story’s content.

          Land Authority Rejects GVL’s Claim Over Sinoe Land Conflict


          Top: The Chairman of the Liberia Land Authority Adams Manobah speaks at the Second Land Conference in Ganta, Nimba County. The DayLight/Harry Browne

          By James Harding Giahyue

          GANTA, Nimba County – The Liberia Land Authority has refuted a claim by Golden Veroleum Liberia (GVL), suggesting the government had settled a boundary dispute between two communities in Sinoe County.

          In a recent report to Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), which regulates the oil palm industry worldwide, GVL claimed the Land Authority had “decided” on the conflict between the Du-Wolee Nyennue Township and the Numopoh District.

          “The communication session on the result to both communities will be [carried] out in [the fourth quarter] of 2024 with new government officials,” GVL said in the report.

          But in an interview with The DayLight on the margins of the just-ended Land Conference in Ganta, Nimba County, the Chairman of the Land Authority Adams Manobah rejected GVL’s assertions. Manobah said the Land Authority had conducted meetings with the two communities but was far from an outcome.

          “We have not done that yet,” said Manobah.

          “The last solution we have is to go back and do the surveying and establish the boundary between the two communities,” Manobah added.

          “We are still waiting for the concession to provide the support so that we can have a definitive line between the two communities.”

          GVL’s palm plantation covers thousands of hectares in Sinoe, Maryland, Grand Kru, River Gee and River Cess. The DayLight/Derick Snyder

          Manobah’s comments confirmed those of representatives of one of the communities. Augustine Jerbo and Daddy Nyenswah, two community leaders in Du-Wolee Nyennue, want the Land Authority to conduct the survey and end the impasse.

          “This thing needs to come to an end,” said Nyenswah.

          The RSPO had ordered GVL not to develop the 463-hectare land and to work with the Liberian government to resolve the issue in 2018. The order was part of the watchdog’s decision against the company for developing farmlands without locals’ consent.

          GVL reports quarterly to the RSPO on the status of its implementation of the decision, over six years after the deadline.

          [Additional reporting by Esau J. Farr, Derick Snyder and  Matenneh Keita]

          The Green Livelihoods Alliance provided funding for this story. The DayLight maintained editorial independence over the story’s content.

          County Boundary is Last Hitch in Clan’s Deed Dream

          created by dji camera

          Top: Lower Bokan awaits the resolution of a border dispute between Sinoe and Grand Kru Counties to obtain its customary land deed. The DayLight/Derick Snyder

          By Harry Browne

          DIYANKPO, Sinoe County – An unsolved boundary issue between two towns in Sinoe and Grand Kru Counties is stalling a clan’s pursuit of a customary land deed.

          Diyankpo, a town in the Lower Bokon Clan in Jaedae District, Sinoe County, has a boundary dispute with Neeklakpo in Grand Kru County. Lower Bokon is pursuing a customary land deed but has seen its efforts stall due to the disputed area, approximately 8,000 hectares.

          “We could not proceed with the survey. We had to put a halt to it, come to town, and see how we can resolve the conflict before going back in the field,” says Dr. Mahmoud Solomon, the Acting Commissioner of the Land Authority’s Department of Land Administration. Solomon says Diyankpo and Neeklakpo recognized two different boundaries that must be harmonized.

          “Diyankpo one of the towns in Sinoe County is showing points that belong to their land that falls in Grand Kru. Neeklakpo is showing points in Sinoe County that belong to Grand Kru,” Solomon adds.    

          Solomon discloses that the Land Authority engaged the Liberia Institute for Geo-Information Services (LIGIS), the National Election Commission and the National Legislature—all of whom have county border data—to resolve the dispute.

          “The Acts that created those counties will be able to show the boundary. Even though it will not be clearly defined it will give us an idea of the commencement and all those towns that fall within a particular clan,” Solomon explains. He says the matter would be resolved soon.

          ‘It was so difficult’

          Lower Bokon borders the Beah Clan along the Dugbe River. Beah Clan had recognized another boundary apart from the one both clans had recognized for generations. However, the Beah Clan later dropped its contention, ending the conflict.

          A map of Lower Bokon Clan by the Foundation for Community Initiatives (FCI). File picture

          Lower Bokon had another situation with Neejlah Clan resolved in an MoU last December.  Both parties now agree a local hill is their boundary. They have decided to use the boundary for future surveys, and that residents who violate the MoU be called out.  

          “It was so difficult in [resolving the boundary issues]. Other communities would say this is the boundary and other communities would disagree,” recalls David Sonpon, the chairman of the Lower Bokon Community Land and Development Committee.

          “Some people, whenever you reach a boundary harmonization stage, they want to claim another side. That is the problem,” adds Matthew Weseh, a mobilizer with the Foundation for Community Initiatives (FCI).

          FCI has worked with Lower Bokon since 2019. The NGO’s work with the clan is part of a US$3.45 million project funded by the International Land and Forest Tenure Facility. The Margibi-based NGO also works in the same district as Gboyonnoh Karmbo, which awaits the Land Authority to survey the clan’s land area to get a deed.

          A boy head-carries a container of water in Diyankpo, Lower Bokon Clan. The DayLight/Matenneh Keita

          ‘There must be an agreement’

          Home to over 5,000 people in the Jaedae District, Lower Bokon identified itself as a landowning community in 2019. In these five years, it has established a governance body, the Community Land Development and Management Committee (CLDMC). It has bylaws and a constitution, and mapped its 7,283-hectares land, according to FCI.

          The clan has a rich culture. Kru is the dominant language. There is a traditional council that is headed by a chair. The highest traditional person is the High Priest, who conducts the Poro Society or the school for men. The leader of the clan is the Clan Chief, while the heads of towns are the Town Chiefs. Beans cannot be planted on the clan’s land, and no one builds a house or hut there with thatches.

          Road connectivity is a problem for the 13-town Lower Bokon Clan. Some of the communities—such as Sunshine, Diyankpo, Sunday Village, and Konwonkpo—are accessible by vehicle while Neponklee is by bike only. The roads to the rest of the communities are by walking.

          Once the boundary dispute with Neeklakpo is resolved, Lower Clan will be ready to get its customary land deed. It has forests and a huge potential for gold. The Land Rights Act of 2018 empowers communities to own lands where their ancestors lived.

          Residents of Lower Bokon welcome an opportunity to manage and benefit from their land, a right they have even without a deed.

          “Before you can get into our forest, there must be an agreement,” says Theresa Wleh, the chairlady of Diyankpo and widow of four children. “When there is no agreement, we will not allow you to get into our forest.”
