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Tag: National Benefit Sharing Trust Board

Locals Build School with Forest Money


Top: Bettoe Town Public School, Compound One, Grand Bassa County. The Daylight/Emmanuel Sherman

By Emmanuel Sherman

BETTOE Town, Grand Bassa County – Villagers have built a schoolhouse with funds they received from a logging contract.  

Every week, schoolchildren from towns and villages trek to the Bettoe Town Public School to quench their thirst for education.

“Bettoe Town Public School…  benefits the [community],” said Garsaweh Harris, the Community leader for areas affected by the Timber Sales Contract Area Three in Compound Number One, Grand Bassa County Three, known in forestry as TSC A-3.  

The Bettoe Town School was the first of two projects in the area, costing US$900 and LD415,452. The school has 86 students and two teachers.

Proceeds used to erect the school came from land rental fees the community got from a concession between the Liberian government and the Nigerian-owned Akewa Group of Companies.

Akewa owes the community US$11,624.50, according to a 2022 forestry report.

The National Benefit Sharing Trust Board receives, manages and disburses funds logging companies remit to communities. Land rentals are calculated at US$1.25 per, hectare multiplied by the size of the forest. Of this, 55 percent is for the community and 45 percent for the government.

Last year, the government paid US$300,000 to logging-affected communities, according to a report by US-based Forest Trends.

Larry Gbomay, a member of the community’s leadership, urged the Benefit Trust Board to pay the balance.  

“We want to tell the government that we need the balance to address [the school’s problems],” said Gbomay. “The children sit on benches because the chairs we have are too low.”

In 2021 the government terminated all TSCs across the country, including the one whose funding built Bettoe  Town Public School. However, locals have stuck with the leadership.

Harris said, “We are just part of the [leadership] to hold our union together.”

Villagers Spent US$1.8 M Forest Benefits on 53 Projects, Report Finds


Top: People gather for the dedication of a teachers’ lodge in Salayea, Lofa County that was built from forest resources in 2018. The DayLight/James Harding Giahyue

By Tarplah Toh and Emmanuel Sherman

MONROVIA – Towns and villages affected by logging concessions across Liberia have spent US$1.3 million and L$81,781,842.72 million on projects from the money they received from companies since 2015, according to a report launched on Wednesday.

In the last seven years, the communities have conducted a total of 53 projects, including guesthouses, clinics and schools from land rental fees companies paid them, said the report.

Fifteen schools, seven clinics, and 11 guesthouses are among the landmark projects in the report, which also features things like town halls, a rice mill, renovation of a community radio station and distribution of roofing sheets for vulnerable homes. 

A clinic in Tiah Town, Nimba, a guesthouse in Zieh Town, Grand Gedeh and the rehabilitation of a road in Polar-Gboe Zammie, also in Grand Gedeh, is the most expensive of the projects. They cost over US$100,000, US$86,000 and US$79,000, respectively.

“Communities are the primary stakeholders in the forest regime, and they must benefit from whatever that is on land,” said Nora Bowier, chairperson of the National Benefit Sharing Trust Board (NBSTB), which oversees the expenditure of land-rental payments communities get from companies. The scheme is a major part of forestry reform meant to give villagers benefits from their forests.

Bowier made the comments at the launch of the report on Wednesday in Sinkor.

But the report pointed out that 17 projects were uncompleted, with one having already collapsed. The Trust Board said it would tackle the problem.

“We have already started taking steps towards addressing some of the unfinished projects,” Bowier said. “We have monitored these projects with action points and have submitted them to the community forest development committees (CFDCs) to work with their stakeholders to talk about the next issue,” Bowier adds. CFDCs are the leadership of communities that host logging concessions. There are 24 of them.

“We are going to look at areas where we can use the law to be able to hold the CFDC accountable.”

Bowier said there would have been more finished projects if the government had paid all the money logging companies paid for communities. Up to late last year, the government owed villagers US$5.5 million, according to Forest Trends, a U.S.-based NGO that advocates for sustainable logging and conservation worldwide.  

Communities protested over the debt and later received US$200,000 a few months later. Recently, the government paid another US$401,000. However, it still owes the communities US$2.3 million against the allotment it made to communities in this year’s budget, with barely four months left in the fiscal period. 

Generally,  the government still owes communities some US$5 million.

“We request that the government pays whatever arrears it owes because some of the projects stalled due to the slow payment. We are asking them to pay on time and be consistent,” Bowier said in a phone interview with The DayLight. “We are actually engaging, constructive engagement.”   

Andrew Zelemen of the National Union of Community Forest Development Committees (NUCFDC) said timely payment of forest benefits would empower villagers.
