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ArcelorMittal Yet to Restore Wetland, Violating EPA’s Order   


Top: One of several sewage lines ArcelorMittal uses to dump feces in a wetland used by local farmers. The DayLight/Franklin Nehyalor

By Franklin Nehyalor  

YEKEPA, Nimba County –  ArcelorMittal Liberia (AML) has not completed an Environmental Protection Agency recommendation to restore a wetland the company degraded and polluted in Yekepa, according to an EPA report.

The steel company was mandated to reinstate 9.33 acres of wetland that it polluted with human feces, according to the report published in March this year but recently obtained by The DayLight.

The EPA investigation was commissioned after residents of Area Q, S1, and Liagbala—three communities mainly affected by the pollution—erected a roadblock in February this year for  “the constant habit of (AML) dumping employees’ feces into their communities.”

The investigation corroborated the communities’ accusation. It found that the company’s sewage plant had contaminated groundwater in the area after two tests.   

“The result of the analysis shows that iron, phosphate and e-coli were above permissible limits in both ground waters samples,” the EPA report said. E. coli for the Escherichia coli bacterium, iron and phosphate in water cause diarrhea, stomach cramps, occasional fever for people, and low dissolved oxygen for fish.

ArcelorMittal dumps human feces into a wetland in Yekepa, Nimba County, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The DayLight/Franklin Nehyalor

ArcelorMittal continues to violate EPA’s orders.

On April 17, 2024, about a month after the report, police arrested an ArcelorMittal tanker transporting 7,200 gallons of feces from Buchanan, Grand Bassa County to Yekepa, Nimba County.

In a statement seen by The DayLight,  Prince Moore, AML’s tanker driver, told police that he was dispatched on April 16 to collect sewage waste from Buchanan to Yekepa by the transport office of ArcelorMittal.

But the EPA, the government agency that authorizes the transport of hazardous wastes or substances in or out of Liberia, said it was unaware of the transport. “The EPA did not give AML any permit to transfer sewage waste from Buchanan to Yekepa,” Danise Dodoo, EPA’s head of media and corporate communications, said in an email reply.

ArcelorMital’s failure to obtain approval to transport the sewage waste violates the Environmental Protection and Management Law of Liberia, punishable by a fine of not more than US$50,000 or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 20 years, or both.

The headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency of Liberia(EPA). The DayLight/Mark Newa.

The EPA March 6 report was the second of two assessments by the agency regarding ArcelorMittal’s degradation of biodiversity in Nimba. In June 2022, an EPA assessment found the steel company guilty of environmental pollution and soil degradation in three communities in Yekepa after Nimba Mom-Waa, a local advocacy group that represents the affected communities, filed a complaint with the agency. The group had identified alleged environmental pollution and soil degradation and asked the EPA to investigate the matter.  

After a thorough assessment, the EPA imposed a four-part fine on ArcelorMittal, totaling US$110,000 for breaking Liberia’s environmental laws.

The 2022 report also outlined six recommendations that should have been completed, including providing compensation packages to all farmers for damages caused to crops, alternative livelihoods for farmers using the polluted portion of the wetland and repair to damaged sewage lines. The recommendations included the construction of a water treatment plant and the provision of at least one treated drinking water source in each of the three affected communities.

But Alex Paye, the executive director of Nimba Mon-Waa, told this paper that the water treatment plant is nonfunctional and AML is yet to provide treated water units in the affected communities.

“The company still buys minerals [water] from an Indian company for its employees while our people suffer,” he said.

Restoration of the wetland should have been completed in a hundred days and the repair of broken sewage pipes from residential and office buildings hosting the company and its workers, in 60 days. 

A septic tank that AML uses to dispose of feces in a nearby wetland with tree crops. TheDayLight/Franklin Nehyalor

The March recommendation also included the construction of water treatment units for communities in sixty days, as of the date of the release of the March 6, 2024 report.

Friday, June 21, 2024, makes the count exactly 105 days since the recommendations.

Winston Daryoue, AML’s Communication Manager, said the company is making efforts to address these issues.

“ArcelorMittal Liberia is in conversation with local community members to address their queries in relation to the restoration of the wetland,” Winston wrote via email.

“We are presently carrying out the tendering process to hire a vendor for the construction of two solar water kiosks at Areas Q and S. Construction work will commence in due course.”

ArcelorMittal has implemented some of the recommendations. It paid US$16,583.53 to compensate 25 farmers whose crops were damaged by the pollution. It has also introduced alternative livelihood for those affected by the pollution and contracted a company to repair and maintain its sewage lines. 

This story was a production of the Community of Forest and Environmental Journalists of Liberia (CoFEJ).

Locals Want New Company For Forest

created by dji camera

Top: The Tarsue Community Forest covers 9,714 hectares of forest in Tarsue Chiefdom of Sanquin District, Sinoe County. The DayLight/Derick Snyder

By Emmanuel Sherman 

SANQUIN – The Tarsue Authorized Community Forest in Sinoe County wants a contract with a new logging company.

Tarsue signed an agreement with the West Africa Forest Development Incorporated (WAFDI) in 2019. Locals leased the forest to the Chinese-owned company in exchange for roads, bridges, a school and a clinic. That was in addition to annual land rental and harvesting fees for the 9,714 hectares of forest in the Sanquin District of Sinoe County.

However, the WAFDI abandoned the agreement from the onset, with the community embroiled in an internal wrangle until the contract expired earlier this year.

“We made several efforts for the company to come to find a way forward but nothing was achieved…,” Tarsue said in an April letter to the Forestry Development Authority, seen by The DayLight.

“Now that the period for the contract has ended, we are calling on the FDA to support us in this situation kindly…,” the letter added.

In a reply to Tarsue’s letter, the FDA’s Managing Director Rudolph Merab said the agency would address Tarsue’s in-house dispute before settling the WAFDI issue.  Like the WAFDI agreement, all tenures of the members of the leadership of Tarsue have elapsed.

“This communication is timely and corresponds with [management’s] plan… to send a team to conduct [an] election and to address the expired tenure situation…,” Merab’s letter, seen by DayLight, read.

‘You are… removed’

Tarsue’s problem began as soon as it selected WAFDI to operate its forest in 2019.

The Tarsue-WAFDI agreement was among several logging agreements whose terms were sliced from 15 to five years, breaching the Community Rights Law of 2009 with Respect to Forest Lands.

The community accused the late Dennis Wiah, then leader of the forest,  and Alfred Dolo, another leader, of unilaterally selecting WAFDI. Villagers had earlier agreed to lease the forestland to another company, according to Oliver Pyne, a member of the community’s leadership.

“Instead, they brought WAFDI, they only brought the name, but never brought any representative,” recalled Pyne in an interview in Komannah Town.

“So, when they brought the agreement, it became an argument on the ground.”

Oliver Pyne, a member of the community forest management body of Tarsue Community Forest. The DayLight/James Giahyue

In 2021, Towns and villages that own forests asked Wiah to leave the position. “You are hereby removed and dismissed from your position as chief officer of the Tarsue Community Forest by the decision of the community assembly (CA) in our sitting on September 30, 2021,” the letter said. The community informed the FDA of its decision in October the next year.  Wiah died later.

Following his death, an ad-hoc committee, comprising Pyne’s brother Ericson Pyne and others, assumed the leadership role.

That did not solve the problem. WAFDI remained inactive, failing to pay the community land rental and scholarship fees.  WAFDI also did not conduct any of its mandatory projects in Tarsue, including hand pumps, town halls, roads and bridges. It did not cut down a single tree throughout this time.

With the contract expired and community forest leaders’ tenures elapsed, locals are mounting pressure on the FDA. Under the law, the regulator should supervise the elections of officers on the governance structure of the community forest.

It has been more than two months since Merab said the FDA would visit the community but nothing has happened.

Nora Boweir, FDA’s Deputy Managing Director for Community, Conservation and Carbon Harvesting, had not gathered the resources to visit Tarsue.

“Our plan is to go there and deal with the challenges they are facing, and give them the support as soon we are able to raise the required resources, funds,” Boweir said.

Paramount Chief John Koah hopes a new company will bring development to the Tarsue Chiefdom. The DayLight/James Giahyue

John Koah, Paramount Chief of Tarsue Chiefdom has not lost hope. He dreams that one day a new company will come to take over the community forest.

“We are expecting school building, hand pumps, hospital and the old people here to be getting [a] small thing,” Koah said in an interview in Teacher’s Town.

Augustine Johnson, an affiliate of WAFDI, said he was not authorized to speak on the Tarsue matter. He told The Daylight through a mobile phone interview was only responsible for WAFDI’s contract with Gheegbarn One Community Forest in Grand Bassa County.

Efforts to reach out to Wang Chenchen, the owner of WAFDI, proved futile. Someone else answered the phone number on the company’s article of incorporation. Johnson, who said Mr. Wang had traveled to China, declined to share his contact.

This story was a production of the Community of Forest and Environmental Journalists of Liberia (CoFEJ).

Illegal Miners Invade Community Forest


Top: Mineworkers of an unidentified company have invaded the Bondi Mandingo Forest in Gbarpolu County. The DayLight/Esau J. Farr

By Esau J. Farr

GBARQUOITA – Illegal miners have encroached on a community forest in Gbarpolu County, felling trees, polluting streams and digging huge pits in their relentless mining for gold.

The miners set up a camp in the Bondi Mandingo Authorized Community Forest surrounded by large, deep pits, used as fences. The DayLight saw armed anti-riot police officers guarding the camp.

Asian mineworkers—based on their language and appearances—and others with a Ghanaian accent transferred gravels through excavators to a planting.  The staffers interviewed corroborated the reporter’s observation of the miner’s nationalities. The miners arrived there last December,  according to locals.

Our reporter photographed several trees felled by the company as well as large pits and dirt mounds. The miners have polluted the only creek in the area used by locals.

The name of the miner’s company is a mystery. It is called “JM Mining” in a letter from chiefs and elders, seen by The DayLight.  A court document also refers to it as “Harming Mining Group of Companies.”

None of the two names are in the Ministry of Mines and Energy’s records. There are only three active, medium-scale mining licenses—consistent with the company’s operations—in Gbarpolu up to press time. None of the three licenses was granted for the area where the company operates.

The miners set up a camp in the community forest after entering it without authorization. The DayLight/Esau J. Farr

Abraham Mulbah, a representative of the unidentified company, evaded several attempts for an interview. Mulbah had postponed an initial interview on the ground that he was visiting an ailing relative. He asked the reporter to meet him in Bopolu, promising to share copies of the mystery company’s documents. However, Mulbah did not turn out at the venue of the interview he had given.

Follow-up efforts the reporter made to get the documents failed, including connecting the newspaper with the company’s owners.

The mystery company signed an illegal memorandum of understanding (MoU) with locals of Gbarquoita to mine gold in the Kpo Mountain in early May this year, according to locals. They had arrived there for exploration in December last year.

Armed with the MoU, the company is forcibly buying local artisanal miners’ claims, assisted by chiefs and elders. Miners Fatu Quemue and George Berrian have all been asked to surrender their mining claims. Mulbah had shared their documents with The DayLight when the reporter tracked him down at the goldmine.

“We write to inform you that the mining land you previously [occupied] had officially been [turned] over to the J.M. Mining by the citizens of [Gbarquoita],” a letter from the community to Berrian read.

A worksite of illicit miners in the Bondi Mandingo Forest. The DayLight/Esau J. Farr

Berrain told The DayLight he accepted the proposal under duress, and he did not get the full amount the supposed company promised. “What I have on the land should be paid for.”

The DayLight obtained Quemue’s and Berrian’s documents, showing they were granted licenses. However, the ministry’s records show the pair have not surrendered or transferred their license for that area. Quemue’s license remains active. Berrian’s license is yet to be reactivated after renewal in April, a Liberia Revenue Authority receipt shows. Efforts to interview Quemue were unsuccessful, as The DayLight did not get her phone number.

‘Stupid’ and ‘Foolish’

Gbarquoita’s negotiation with the unidentified company violates the Community Rights Law… that created community forestry. The town is one of six that own the Bondi Mandingo Forest.

A letter from Gbarquoita to artisanal miners who have claims in the Bondi Mandingo Forest

Bondi Mandingo was authorized by the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) in 2018. Covering  37,222 hectares, and has been under contract with Indo Africa Plantation Liberia Limited ever since. However, the Singaporean loggers abandoned the contract.

Gbarquoita is exploiting the contract’s failure with the signing of the MoU—unapologetically.

“We are happy because we have been suffering for long,” said Habakkuk Jallah, the Town Chief of Gbarpquoita. 

“Since the government of Liberia built a clinic for us over five to six years ago, there have not been medicines at the clinic. The company is now going to put medicine there…,” Jallah added. He said the MoU with the miners mandates them to provide hand pumps and 150 solar lights. Efforts to get the MoU did not materialize.

But the Community Rights Law does not give the Gbarquoita the right to unilaterally negotiate a contract. That power solely lies in the hands of Bondi Mandingo’s community forest management body (CFMB).   

L-R: Mark Dennis, the chief officer of the Bondi Mandingo Forest, and Habakkuk Jallah, the Town Chief of Gbarquoita. The DayLight/Esau J. Farr

Mark Dennis, the chief officer of the CFMB, told The DayLight the company prevented them from entering the forest.

“We made our way through there to see the level of destruction that was done,” Dennis said of the February incident. “When we got there, they chased us [out] with their machine.”

Not long after his ordeal, the leadership of the Bondi Mandingo sued the illegal miners. The lawsuit alleges the miners threatened to “teach” Dennis and co “a lesson,” calling them “stupid” and “foolish.”

Charges the miners face include criminal trespass, criminal mischief and disorderly conduct, filings of the Bopolu City Magisterial Court show.

The lawsuit requests US$500,000 for alleged damages to forest resources. It cites one Isaac and another man only identified as Sao and all of the company’s operators as defendants.

The men were arrested but released on bail, according to court records.

The case commences on Wednesday.

The United States Embassy in Monrovia funded this story. The DayLight maintained editorial independence over the story’s content.

No Action Against Exposed Timber Traffickers at CARI


A collage showing piles of processed planks discovered at the Central Agriculture Research Institute (CARI). The DayLight/Rebazar D. Forte

By Rebazar D. Forte

SUAKOKO, Bong County – Authorities have taken no actions against a gang of illegal timber traffickers whose network was exposed in a DayLight investigation nearly two months ago. 

The investigation discovered the network ringleaders were two Chinese Chaolong Zhong and Guoping Zhang, a Turkish Mehmet Onder Erem, and a Liberian Terrence Collins.

The illegal traffickers transformed an agriculture research yard into an underground sawmill

The gang purchased timber from Lofa, Nimba and vendors in Suakoko, Bong County, processed them at the Central Agriculture Research Institute (CARI) and smuggled the wood via containers, the investigation found. Thousands of timber were abandoned at several locations in a compound at CARI, published in the investigation.

CARI promised to probe the matter, while the Forestry Development Authority is required to investigate and prosecute the alleged suspects. However, there have been no known investigations, and timber remains in the same position.

Timber can be found everywhere in a yard occupied by China Aid, the Chinese state-owned international development agency
A large pile of processed timber bound for smuggling

In April, CARI’s Officer in Charge Dr. James Dolo said, “I can guarantee you that we are going to get on it by next month (May).” Dolo did not return repeated calls and a text message on Wednesday.

The FDA did not immediately respond to queries for comment on its failure to act.

Smuggling timber and running an underground sawmill breaks the National Forestry Reform Law. Under the law, the regulator should report the “economic sabotage” to the Ministry of Justice for prosecution. 

Timber at CARI
Boxlike timber at CARI

Moreover, forestry’s Regulation on Confiscated Logs, Timber and Timber Products mandates the FDA to confiscate stolen timber and seek a court’s permission to auction them after several public notices.   

The timber traffickers operated in China Turkey Liberia Industries (CTL industries), degrading a compound meant for agricultural research. The US$6 million project was part of Beijing’s efforts to promote agricultural technology in Africa under China Aid, Beijing’s agency for international development.

The timber traffickers boosted at least 33 staffers, more than tripling China Aid.

Timber kept on a basketball court at CARI
Authorities have done nothing to confiscate and auction thousands of timber uncovered at CARI
The illegal timber traffickers overshadowed agricultural works at CARI

This story was a production of the Community of Forest and Environmental Journalists of Lbiera (CoFEJ).

Bao Chico Pollutes Creeks, Destroying Homes


Top: Gbanakao Creek near Bao Chico’s mine. The DayLight/Derick Snyder

By Esau J. Farr

COMPOUND-SU, Gbarpolu County – Bao Chico has polluted water sources in landowning communities, depriving locals of safe drinking water, a DayLight investigation found.

A team of DayLight reporters recently visited the operational areas of the Chinese-owned company and photographed creeks that are no longer safe for drinking.

Two major creeks, Mazine and Gbanakao, have all changed colors with greenish, brownish and blueish looks from remnants from Bao Chico’s mining activities.    

“This water, we used to drink it, but we can’t drink it now [because of Bao Chico’s operation],” said Salamah

Dukuly, owner of the Dukuly Village near Compound-Su.

“Because of that, we are forced to carry drinking water from the town to the farm,” said Zoe Freeman, another Compound-Su resident. 

DayLight saw a tributary of the Gbanakao Creek backfilled on the right side of a Bao Chico mine to clear it for mining and road pavement to transport ore to a plant. Reporters filmed dying vegetation at one of the polluted creeks nearby.

“When they [used to] get ready, the machine [would] just push [dirt] straight into the creek, thereby polluting the water,” said Sampson Lamah, spokesperson of the affected communities.

Bao Chico promised in a meeting with villagers to construct a handpump in each of the 32 affected communities, according to locals. However, only two hand pumps have been erected of which one is functional, the investigation found.  

Bao Chico mining activities have polluted Mazine, one of a few creeks used for drinking in landowning communities affected by the company’s operations. The DayLight/James Giahyue

Edwin Darju, the liaison officer of Bao Chico, admitted to the pollution of the creeks but denied the presence of any chemicals.

“I am not a technical person, but what I do know is there was a physical pollution and not chemical pollution,” Darju said.

That statement runs contrary to the facts because the company uses chemical explosives. Normally, residuals of mine explosions go downstream, polluting and poisoning waterways, experts say.

Bao Chico explosions throw large rocks into communities, according to locals. The DayLight/James Giahyue

Ammonium nitrate, dynamite and emulsion explosives are the commonly used chemicals for blasting by mining companies, all of which have negative effects on soil and the public. They are responsible for the overgrowth of algae, which depletes oxygen in water and harms water species.

Bao Chico signed an agreement with the Liberian government in 2022 to mine iron ore on 87.4 square kilometers in the Suhen Mecca District of Bomi and the Bopolu District.

It began polluting creeks from the beginning of its operations, sparking protests.


The noise from the blasting and rock particles it produces also negatively affects the communities.

Zoe Freeman, a resident of Compound-Su, fainted after a mine explosion last year. The DayLight/James Giahyue

Last year, Freeman, the resident from Compound-Su, fainted during a round of explosions.  Bao Chico had not informed the community it would conduct blasts that day. Freeman was later taken to the Emirates Hospital in Bopolu, where she was treated and discharged, doctors at the hospital said.

As a result of that incident, the company runs public service announcements on the radio at least two days before an explosion procedure.  

“The Monrovia-Bopolu and Bomi-Bopolu roads in the blasting area will be temporarily closed and Bopolu police will maintain order and the closure time will last for 30 minutes,” an excerpt of a January announcement read.

The mine blasting, which takes place between 10 am and 5 pm, stalls the movement of people and farming activities.  

But it is the air pollution it produces that affects residents most.

“[People] can get sick here because of the odor from the chemicals used,” said Peter Paye, Town Chief of Compound-Su. Paye listed common cold, headache, diarrhea high blood pressure, and breathing difficulty, a claim DayLight could not independently verify.

The DayLight’s team of reporters also filmed cracked buildings and walls in Compound-Su and Baabu-Ta.

“The mud houses can’t stand the vibration,” said Kai Sirleaf, the Town Chief of Baabu-Ta.

These forms of pollution violate Bao Chico’s mining agreement with the Liberian government. It contains provisions that the company should abide by environmental health and safety guidelines in line with the World Bank’s standards.

An elevated view of Bao Chico’s plant. The DayLight/Derick Snyder

For instance, the World Bank’s standards call for waste dumps to be planned, designed and operated to manage environmental impacts. A recent DayLight investigation found Bao Chico was noncompliant with several levels of workplace safety standards.

Villagers are also concerned about the danger the blasting poses to their safety. Rock particles from the blasting spread across towns and villages causing fear among locals.

“We want to find means to move from here because, each time they want to blast, they will say you’ll move from here and go to the other side,” Salamah Dukuly of Dukuly Village said.

“My life is under threat. We should move from here,” said Dukuly. DayLight was not able to get the relocation plan of the company for locals residing in its concessional area.

Contractors at the company don’t have proper protective gear and there are no established health and safety committees, a violation of the labor and mining laws of Liberia.

The DayLight did not get comments from Bao Chico despite text messages and phone calls to the company’s manager, who was only identified as Mr. Lee.

Lee answered several calls placed to him, speaking English. However, he later pretended not to understand the language when this reporter introduced himself.  

A Bao Chico mine. The DayLight/James Giahyue

The United States Embassy in Monrovia provided funding for this story. The DayLight maintained editorial independence over its content.

Elephants Add New Towns to Crop-raiding Menu


Top: Elephants have roamed towns and villages in Grand Cape Mount County in the last five years. The DayLight/Harry Browne

By Emmanuel Sherman

GUYAN, Gbarpolu County – Last year, Nancy Mulbah, a businesswoman in Duala, decided to quit her market table to become a full-time farmer.

It proved to be the best decision the 40-plus-year-old mother made. Her farm in Guyan, a town in the Bondi Mandingo Chiefdom of Gbarpolu’s Bopolu District delivered a good harvest. She settled her Brewerville house rent and paid her children’s school fees.

But this year would be a nightmare. Last month, a herd of elephants raided her farmland, eating and crushing her crops.

“Almost everything, potato, eggplants and bitter balls,” Mulbah said pointing to the remnants of the farm and brandishing a plantain bunch.

Mulbah is one of several farmers in that part of Bopolu District whose crops have been destroyed as elephants comb new towns and villages for food in the western countryside.

Until now, the tuskers raided farmlands in several towns and villages in the Gbarma District and the neighboring Grand Cape Mount County, according to media and other reports. Varguay, a town in Cape Mount’s Gola Konneh District, has been the epicenter of what experts called the human-elephant conflict.

One Study shows that elephant have their biggest population in the northwestern parts of the country. However, human activities such as farming, mining and logging have encroached on their habitat, leaving elephants in a desperate search for food.

Nancy Mulbah brandishes a bunch of plantains she scavenged after elephants raided her farm. The DayLight/Esau Farr

On average, an elephant eats 149-169 kilograms of vegetation, taking between 16 and 18 hours a day. Grass, fruits, tree backs and roots, and bushes feature permanently on its menu. It ravages an entire farmland in a matter of hours.

Perhaps that explains the destruction of Mulbah and other farmers’ farms.

“We are experiencing [a] setback from the elephants,” said James Sirleaf, who said he invested thousands of dollars on his farm adjacent to Mulbah’s.  “My children will not go to school and I will not go back to school.”

Counting the losses, the farmers said the situation discouraged them from farming. Sirleaf said he expected to have harvested 100 plus heads of plantain but expected to get nothing. Togba Sando, another farmer, said he lost 50 heads of plantain in the May night raid.

“I will drop the farming activities,” said Sirleaf.

The reactions of the Guyan farmers mirror their Gbarma District and Grand Cape Mount counterparts’.

There, farmers have quit their farms and fled their homes due to frequent elephant raids in the last decade or so. Some 20 people left Vaguay for Gohn, another Cape Mount town, according to local authorities.

Villagers in Zuo, a large town in Gbarma, are some of the most recent sides in the conflict, with an estimated 1,900 farmers.

“We ourselves can’t make so we are planning to leave the area to go back to Zuo,” said Amos Clarke who came to a village locals call Africa to do his farming.

The farmers said they have tried to cope with the raids but are overwhelmed. They burn pepper, deploy goats—whose bleating villagers believe repels elephants—and beat drums.

Togba Sando shows DayLight a mound of elephant dung after the tusked mammals raided his farmland in Guyan, Gbarpolu County. The DayLight/Esau Farr

The farmers in Guyan are applying the same methods and, likewise, are getting no results.

Mulbah sleeps on her farm, makes farm fires and clangs pots. Sando even fires a hunting rifle in the air.  

Aware killing elephants is unlawful, Mulbah cries for help.

“Let the government come to our aid to protect our farm and save our families,” Mulbah added.

[Additional reporting by Matenneh Keita Harry Browne and Esau Farr]

The story was a production of the Community of Forest and Environmental Journalists of Liberia (CoFEJ). The Kyeema Foundation and Palladium provided funding for the story.
