Home Agriculture Fisheries Authority Distributes Nets to Fishermen in Bassa

Fisheries Authority Distributes Nets to Fishermen in Bassa


Banner Image: A fisherman receives a fishing net in exchange for his plastic net. The DayLight/NaFAA

BUCHANAN, Grand Bassa County – A group of fishermen in Grand Bassa County has received several thread nets in exchange for their rubber ones as part of the  National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA), as part of its to rid the fisheries sector of plastic-thread nets, harmful to the marine environment and banned under the Liberian law.

“Fishermen are cardinal to the growth and development of the Liberian Fisheries sector, therefore the government has seen the need to bring in the free thread nets for distribution across Liberia as a way of empowering you,” said NaFAA’s Director General for Technical Services William Boeh told a beachside ceremony in Buchanan over the weekend.

Boeh disclosed that fishermen would shortly benefit from the free distribution of the motorized engines. He added that fishmongers would also stand to benefit from free solar freezers and other needed items that would afford them an opportunity to reduce post-harvest losses.

Liberia’s marine ecosystem is one of the largest in the sub-region, with coastline 350 miles long and an exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of 246,000 km2.

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